Jazz n'Blues at Newham, Mar 28, 2021
Juliarna and James are bringing a bluesy vibe to their jazz for 2 super fun concerts on this day. The afternoon concerts kicks off at 3.30 (doors open 3pm) with the evening concert at 7.30 (doors open &pm). The line-up for this entertaining afternoon concert are Jules, the human jukebox Dai Jones (guitar & vocals), fiddle player Nigel Maclean, double bassist James Clark and drummer Gerry Pantazis. All amazing musicians in their own right and this promises to be an unforgettable musical delight.
Both concerts are seated affairs with 2 sets, at the Newham Mechanics Institute. We are licensed to serve a basic bar of beer and wine before the music and during the interval. Carmel's cheese platters are available should you feel peckish.
Tickets ($32/$28) are limited, to keep us spaced apart for now, and I can't wait to see some beloved familiar smiling aces and happy, tappytoes.
To access the concession price, when you get to the checkout page, type "Concession" in as the coupon code.
Maybe see you soon,Jules xx